Friday, July 18, 2008

Katie and Matt

I've had several commissions in Delaware over the past year and having gone to school at the University of Delaware, I love having the opportunity to return for my clients. Katie and Matt live in a beautiful old mill which was converted into apartments. This park is a little hidden secret right in their backyard. They are so lucky to have this beautiful place all to themselves! It was incredibly easy to find great spots to shoot.

Central Park

Michelle, Luke and I had a great time running around Central Park last weekend. The weather was beautiful, I think the heat wave subsided especially for us. Michelle and Luke have actually made up a logo to go along with the theme for their wedding. They have coined themselves "Team Awesome" and have made shirts to match. I think it's a really cute idea BUT I won't embarrass them with some of the funnier pictures we took in them. We'll stick to the classics....

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A quick look!

Here are two from Laura and Garrett's wedding last month. Hopefully this will hold them over for a few days! More to come...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Kara and Justin

These two were married on Memorial Day weekend in Philadelphia which was a treat because the city was decorated accordingly. We had the most amazing weather and a great opportunity to shoot in Independence Park which was conveniently close to the church. Some of my favorite shots came from that part of the day and of course we ended in Love Park. Each detail of this wedding was exquisite. The reception was held in the Crystal Tea Room and I have to commend the band, Times Square Orchestra, for an incredible evening.

Dave and Dorothy

I think I can safely say that Dave and Dorothy were married on the hottest day of the month and probably the summer. I give them a lot of credit for having their ceremony outside and withstanding their post-ceremony photo shoot outside. They were determined! Dorothy in particular was an easy subject, I don't think she stopped smiling once all day. A few of my favorites...

The Dance

Here is a shot of the dance I blogged about in the last post. Also, a shot of Liza and Joel after singing a special duet to their daughter, Isabella. Who knew 4 year olds were Elvis fans?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Liza and Joel

I was fortunate enough to travel to Ocho Rios, Jamaica to photograph Liza and Joel's wedding last month. They had a beautiful ceremony on the beach followed by dinner and dancing. One of my favorite parts of the reception was their first dance. They headed down to the beach after dinner and danced in the middle of a circle of sparklers created by their guests. It was a great party and I especially enjoyed your including us in everything, Liza and Joel. Thank you!